Friday, April 27, 2007

How to Lose a War

There are three ways to loose a war:
1. Kill Everyone. Genocide ensures that you've won. This kind of action takes a country with a special kind of mentality. A ruthless, fascist mentality.
2. Break the Will of the Leader. And, a spineless leader it is that would go to war prepared to loose, and the giving up sort don't usually get to lead countries.
3. Break the Will of the People. When a populous becomes so demoralized, sending their sons and daughters to die that they just don't care anymore, then that people has lost a war.
If we pull out of Iraq, we have lost the war. It will prove that the will of the American people is truly weak indeed.
A little more than sixty years ago we went to war. WWII. About 450,400 died, over six years. That is 98 deaths a day.
Almost forty years we went to Vietnam. About 58,000 soldiers died over the 19 years we were there, that's a little more than 8 a day. It took nineteen years for our will to break. the youngest of the soulders at the end of the war were born after the start of the war.
Now we have been in Iraq for about three years. 3,312 (as of 18 April 2007) have died. That is about three a day.
The will of the American People has been getting steadily weaker.
What happened? This is the greatest nation on Earth. We have become so powerful that we can aford to medel in the affairs of other counties. We saw a problem, we decided we wanted to fix it and now because a few people have died, the fewest of any war we have ever participated in, are we going to say, "Oops," and give up?
I was a soldier for six years, and deployed twice. Friends of mine died. Friends who made the ultimate sacrifice. If we leave, their deaths counted for exactly nothing.
Of course I wish my friends were alive. But, you know what? THEY WERE VOLUNTEERS! This is a volunteer Army.
Of course, I heard lots of people complaining that they signed up in piece time, so did I, but you can't sign up for the Army and then be upset when they expect you to fulfill your end of the bargain.
We made a mess in Iraq, and we need to clean it up. Otherwise we become a country of losers.
I mean that, if we pull out, it will demonstrate how weak willed we are. If we pull out we lose.
If we pull out we will be a nation of weak willed losers.
If you don't want to be at war, don't vote Republican, it is that simple. Sure, the last election was A Bowl Full of Crap with a Side of Crazy vs. A Bowl Full of Crap with a Side of Bad American, but who let the guys though the primarys? And the election before that were also two bowls of crap.
But, hey, at least they weren't the green party.

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